Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Inria - Mauna Kea Technologies I-Lab SIWA

Inria - Mauna Kea Technologies I-Lab SIWA

Participants : Nicholas Ayache [Correspondant] , Xavier Pennec, Irina Vidal-Migallón, Marzieh Kohandani Tafreshi, Julien Dauguet, Tom Vercauteren, Barbara André.

GPU, registration, OpenCL

The I-Lab SIWA (Stitching Images and Wisdom into the Atlas) aims at maturating two key image processing technologies into real products for confocal fibered-microscopy. The first axis on content-based image retrieval (CBIR) will develop efficient and friendly tools for helping diagnosis and for user training. The second axis on image registration will develop near real-time and robust image registration tools for mosaicking, image stabilization and super-resolution. Both goals are built on GPU implementations of widely used algorithms (e.g. [33] ).

For more information, see here .